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Our Story is Evolving—Total Seminars is Now Part of National Cyber Group LLC

On June 8, 2022, at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, California, the launch of a joint effort to solve the cybersecurity workforce gap was announced.

National Cyber Group (NCG) has formed to take the high road to engineer a national workforce accelerator that is affordable, accessible, and outcome-oriented.

Combining the forces of America’s most-known name in foundational IT certification training, Total Seminars, and the disruptive, hands-on cyber training program, CyberNow Labs, these organizations, together with NCG’s new job placement and staffing solutions, offer a unique formula for cybersecurity workforce development, a critical enabler to address America’s current 2-million-person cyber talent deficit.  

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Total Seminars—now a National Cyber Group Company—was founded in 1995 by two pioneers who wanted to help people learn new IT skills.

Total Seminars began when Mike Meyers called his brother-in-law, Dudley Lehmer, with a great idea. “Hey, Dudley,” Mike said, “let’s open a company and teach people how to fix computers.” 

Dudley, who was working on Wall Street at the time, thought that sounded pretty good. Move back to Texas, spend more time with his family, and help people learn new IT skills. 

The more they thought about it, the better it sounded. Mike was a computer technician for the Texas Department of Transportation and ‘ate, breathed, and slept computers.’ Dudley was a Harvard MBA with a great mind for business. Pretty dynamic duo, wouldn’t you say? 

It wasn’t long before Mike and his team of teachers started traveling around the country conducting three-day seminars on “Troubleshooting Your Computer.” Dudley often stayed back at the Houston HQ working on the direct mail campaigns and otherwise operating the business. Sister-in-law Janelle Meyers organized the office and kept things running smoothly (and making sure everyone knew where they were going and had a place to stay). 

One fateful day, McGraw-Hill signed up for one of the seminars. Of course, they received a copy of the course manual Mike wrote. Lo and behold, a few weeks later McGraw-Hill called Mike and asked him if they could publish his CompTIA A+ certification materials. Huh? Mike, an author? Well, he’d never really thought about doing that before. He was a computer technician, you know. The CompTIA All-in-One A+ Certification Exam Guide was born, and as they say, the rest is history. The book quickly became the #1 selling CompTIA A+ certification book (now about to be in its 11th edition). Over a million books in print later and here we are. Mike turned out to be one heck of an author. 

So, what’s happened at Total Seminars over the years? Mike’s books flew off the shelves, and as the demand for more knowledge grew, the Total Seminars team created videos, TotalSims simulations, and TotalTester practice tests.

We develop our products in our own studios and now deliver them on our custom-developed Total Seminars training hub. With eBooks also delivered on our hub, students can conveniently review the text as they watch videos, take practice tests, or complete our TotalSims. Students can then buy discounted exam vouchers from us, pass the exam, and they’re all set! We’re here for students, start to finish and beyond. Students can even join Mike Meyers live as he answers their tech questions on his AMA on YouTube.

Total Seminars, CyberLabs Now, and National Cyber Group

What’s this all about? We are excited to be part of a larger mission as a leader in cybersecurity workforce preparedness. combines their cybersecurity job placement/staffing with Total Seminars content and CyberLabs Now training as a cybersecurity “un”bootcamp solution.

Students study using Total Seminars materials and actually learn by doing in the CyberNow Labs Virtual Security Operations Center. Best of all students can do this quickly and cost-effectively. Our goal is to make IT certification training accessible and affordable to anyone who wants an IT career and advance into cybersecurity. Students will be certified and they will know HOW to do the job. Employers will know they are getting highly qualified talent.

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