7 August 2012
p. 173. In the first paragraph, the figure reference should be Figure 8.9, not 8.11.
p. 173. The last sentence of the second paragraph needs to change; two additional sentences need to be added:
SCSI chains can be internal, external, or both. Figure 8.11 shows an internal SCSI chain. Figure 8.12 shows both internal and external chains using a single controller.
7 June 2011
p. 412. The last bullet point at the top of the page has a typo. The utility name is spelled BDCEDIT.EXE; it should say BCDEDIT.EXE.
21 December 2010
p. 37. The exam tip states that USB 3.0 can handle upto 5 Mbps; this should say 5 Gbps.