[Posted 19 September 2013 by Kathy Yale]
Taking the Network+ exam can be a stressful experience. However, there is a way for any test taker to make sure that they are prepared for the test. Studying beforehand is helpful, but even more helpful is taking the practice exam. A Network+ practice test is the best to see how questions on the test are framed and to see how the test itself is laid out. The test taker must also determine what to take away from the practice exam.
Have a Better Knowledge of the Questions that Will be Asked
As with all tests, there are some questions on the Network+ practice test that make it onto the real exam. However, no one can properly predict what will be on a test, and that means the layout and formatting of the questions becomes very important. Knowing what types of questions to expect will help the test taker to adequately prepare to take the test. Instead of solely studying the content, time spent expressing that content in the forms of the questions asked on the practice exam can be especially helpful.
Be Prepared for Different Types of Questions.
Many times, there are two answers that are seemingly identical, and it is the test taker’s job to discern between the two. This can only happen effectively if they have taken the practice exam and learned the language and style in which the questions will be asked.
Free response questions require the ability of the test taker to express what it is that they know in their own writing. Without this ability, it is very hard for the test taker to convey their personal knowledge to the exam scorer. Having practice in writing out the answers to these types of questions will make test takers more effective at answering the questions quickly and thoroughly.
True/false test items are tricky because they can use double speak in order to confuse test takers. It is very easy to be confused when reading these types of questions if test takers are not prepared for them.
Finish the Test with Time to Spare
Beyond studying the content and the types of questions on the test, it is wise for the test taker to consider how long they have to take the test and how long it actually took them to take the test. Some people may test slower than others, and if there is a hint of a timing issue, that needs to be addressed. Those who take the practice exam will find out if they are able to complete the questions in the time allotted and can practice becoming efficient if time is an issue.
The person taking the test needs to know if they are prepared to take a test, in the Network+ format, in the time that is given them. The only way to receive ample preparation is to study and take the practice exam. The practice test may make the difference between passing and not passing when it comes time to take the Network+ test.